Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Obama Concert in Ghana!

Saturday night was the much anticipated "Barack Obama" concert featuring Ghana's one and only Blakk Rasta. Voracious journalists, we arrived an hour before the scheduled start, only to find a desolate lot of ANGRY ant-infested grass surrounded by a concrete wall. After being suffiiently attacked by the nastiest little biters you can imagine, we found Blakk Rasta's super-friendly production crew who guided us into the special press section surrounding the stage. Though the stage lights came on soon after we arrived, set up was proceeding on African time (i.e. very slowly). Eventually, we decided to find a nearby restaurant and ended up having the fanciest dinner of our time in Ghana! The concert started over two hours late, and didn't end until 4:30am! We left at 12:00, long before Blakk Rasta came on, though we did catch some quality tunes, several excessive homophobic rants, and a very awkward scenerio. The first band to come on, "Mystic Vibrations," I believe, had a very charismatic and aggressive lead singer. To the guards dismay, he encouraged an energized crowd to storm the stage, shouting "Black people come closer" and "free the people." Awkwardly enough, we were among the very few people allowed in the enormous area by the stage, and the stark contrast we posed being the only obrunis at the concert was quite bizarre. Still, great music and a very interesting time despite the gregarious ants.

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