Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Last Week in Ghana

I have been caught up in such a flurry of activity over the past week that I haven't been able to update you! With less than a week remaining, I have been packing in everything I can. Too little time let to waste it on the internet, so this will be brief. With the exception of the Obama concert (see post), the weekend was spent finishing up my final story on Buduburam, but yesterday was amazing. We attended our second DOVE meeting with the impressive group of adolescent girls at the police baracks. The former President and Vice President of the group, current sophmores in high school, led the meeting in our honor. Excited to meet us after rave reviews from our last pow wow, these girls were intelligent, energetic, and composed - perfect role models for the younger girls and the wisest 16 year olds I have ever met! We all ended up playing dancing/clapping games reminiscent of rhythmic variations of Simon Says, with memory challenges thrown in. While the four of us obrunis got destroyed in the dancing rounds, I was the runner up on one of the memory games, and the triumphant winner in another. The kids got such a kick out of our awkward foolishness - you wouldn't believe it! Today we explored Usher town, another decaying colonial wasteland containing fascinating relics with devastating poverty in its midst.

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